Clan Ranks


Each Clan has the same set of ranks: leader, deputy, medicine cat (and medicine cat apprentice), warrior, apprentice, queen, kit, and elder, and each have their own place within the Clan. Here is a list of each rank and a detailed description of what cats in each position do. 


The leader is responsible for making decisions for his or her Clan. Some of these decisions include things such as:

  • Whether or not to attack another Clan.
  • To make a temporary camp if something happens to the camp (and where).
  • Whether or not to extend borders.
  • What to do with intruders.
  • When to preform ceremonies.
  • How to punish cats for misbehavior.
  • Warrior names.
  • New deputies.

The leader is the cat who was the deputy of the previous leader, and is specifically chosen to lead the Clan when they die. In turn, they must choose their own deputy before moonhigh after their leader dies, or if their deputy dies or is unable to be deputy anymore.

When a crisis happens, the leader is expected to figure out something to help their Clan through it. They have to make tough decisions for the sake of their Clan. It is the law of the warrior code for cats to listen to their leader.

When the previous leader dies, their deputy must go to the Moonpool to get their nine lives from StarClan. In rare cases StarClan will refuse to give a cat nine lives, though they'll most often lead their Clan anyway. StarClan has the power to revoke a cat's nine lives, though this has only happened once in Clan history. 


The deputy is the cat who the is chosen by their current leader to succeed them after they die. This cat is in charge of organizing patrols and helping their leader run the Clan. To be a deputy, a cat has had to have mentored at least one apprentice in his or her lifetime. They also have to be chosen within moonhigh after the previous leader or deputy has died, or if the previous deputy cannot continue being deputy.

Medicine Cat

A Clan's medicine cat has a very different life than his or her Clanmates, and are expected to live by the medicine cat code. Medicine cats are cats who are responsible for taking care of their sick Clanmates, using herbs and methods to do so. They are also expected to go to the Moonpool every half moon with the other medicine cats to share tongues with their ancestors, StarClan. 

Medicine cats have a close bond to StarClan, and receive warnings and prophecies from them during their visits to the Moonpool in the form of dreams. They are expected to keep what they saw to themselves unless they feel it is crucial to tell another cat. They also accompany their leader to the Moonpool when it is time for them to get their nine lives after the previous leader has died.

Medicine Cat Apprentice

Medicine cat apprentices are cats who are usually chosen by StarClan to be the medicine cat apprentice by having a special feeling of being meant to be one. They often have a close bond with StarClan from a young age.

Due to the complexity of being a medicine cat, the medicine cat apprentices must train longer than warrior apprentices would normally train in order to learn everything to become a full medicine cat. Even after they get their full name they are considered the medicine cat apprentice until their mentor has passed on.


Apprentices are cats who are at least six moon old, and are training to become warriors. They are expected to catch at least one piece of prey each day before they are allowed to eat (with the exception of them being hurt or sick, in which case they are one of the first cats allowed to eat). Apprentices are also expected to do tasks for the Clan such as taking care of the elders, kits, and queens, and clearing out messy dens. 

A common punishment for a naughty apprentice is to make them pick the ticks of the fur of their Clan's elders.

They become a warrior after they pass their warrior depending on what their leader and mentor think is the best time for them.


Warriors are the cats who do most of the hunting, fighting, and patrolling in the Clan. They train apprentices and make sure the Clan is safe and well-fed. On top of this, warriors also are responsible for making sure the camp is safe and secure by fixing up dens. 


The queens in a Clan are the she-cats who have kits, or are going to have kits soon. Their job is to take care of their kits until they are old enough to become apprentices. Some cats will stay in the nursery with the kits permanently once they've had a litter or two, and will stick around to help the new queens take care of their kits. 


The elders in a Clan are cats who are old and have done their duties for their Clan (although in some cases cats might have to retire early due to injury). These cats are cared for by their Clanmates, and share stories and experiences with the younger generations.

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